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K. Values and Ethics of Leadership

The values and ethics of leadership competency describes:

K1.  Demonstrating an understanding of the role of education in a democratic society; 
K2.  Demonstrating an understanding of and model democratic value systems, ethics, and moral leadership; 
K3.  Demonstrating the ability to balance complex community demands in the best interest of learners; 
K4.  Helping learners grow and develop as caring, informed citizens; 
K5.  Demonstrating an understanding and application of  the Code of Ethics for Administrators under Part 3512.5200.


ED634 Communication, Ethics, and Leadership Discussion Question Responses

Topics: ethical decision-making, PLNs

ED636 School Vision Reflection

ED630 Leadership Essay

ED634 Strengths Based Leadership Essay

ED603 CITI Program Social/Behavior Research Program Certification

ED603 Institutional Review Board Documentation


The values and ethics of leadership is an indispensable competency to have as a leader in education. Recognizing the role of education through the lens of a democratic society, as well as being fluent in the ethical requirements of an educational leader all lead to better outcomes for everyone involved in an educational organization. Nearly all of my courses, in some regard, touched on the standards embedded in the values and ethics competency, meaning I was able to reflect deeply on the important and sometimes difficult actions and decisions a leader must make for the good of the organization. Very practically speaking, Methods of Research also introduced me to systems and structures that support ethical leadership such as working with Institutional Review Boards. My learning and practical application will be invaluable as move forward in my leadership.

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