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H. Curriculum Planning and Development

The curriculum planning and development competency describes:

H1.  Demonstrating the ability to enhance teaching and learning through curriculum assessment and strategic planning for all learners, including early childhood, elementary, middle and junior high school, high school, special education, and adult levels; 
H2.  Demonstrating the ability to provide planning and methods to anticipate trends and educational implications.
H3.  Demonstrating the ability to develop, implement, and monitor procedures to align sequence, and articulate curriculum and validate curricular procedures; 
H4.  Demonstrating the ability to identify instructional objectives and use valid and reliable performance indicators and evaluative procedures to measure performance outcomes;
H5.  Appropriately using learning technologies;        
H6.  Demonstrating an understanding of alternative instructional designs, curriculum, behavior management, and assessment accommodations and modifications; 
H7.  Demonstrating an understanding of urgency of global competitiveness.


ED632 Null Curriculum Article Summary

ED717 Adolescent vs. Adult Learners Reflection

Guiding Change Document and Timeline Proposal I Developed for Redesigning our K-6 Core Reading Units in Spring Lake Park Schools

Presentation I Used to Facilitate Development of Competency Based Learning in ELA and Math During Summer of 2018

ED793 Principal Interview

ED793 Leadership in Special Education Essay


While I might have felt confident with curriculum planning at the ground level as a classroom teacher, both my coursework and recent experience​s as a coordinator of learning have primed me to grow in this competency by addressing the leadership work necessary to do systems level curriculum planning and development. A great deal of my coursework supported my growth in this including Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning Theory and Instructional Models which supported my overall view on curriculum development. Additionally, leading the development of academic competencies, rubrics, units and performance assessments districtwide allowed me to draw on my coursework greatly. This type of large scale redefinition of our curriculum has required the integration of knowledge of curriculum and assessment planning, sequencing, reliable evaluation and performance indicators, learning technology and consideration of alternative instructional designs, accommodations, and modifications. Through both my learning and experiences, I am pleased with my level of proficiency with this competency. 

Open Book
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