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C. Diversity Leadership

The diversity leadership competency describes:

C1.  Demonstrating an understanding and recognition of the significance of diversity, and responding to the needs of diverse learners; 
C2.  Creating and monitoring a positive learning environment for all students;
C3.  Creating and monitoring a positive working environment for all staff; 
C4.  Promoting sensitivity of diversity throughout the school community; 
C5.  Demonstrating the ability to adapt educational programming to the needs of diverse constituencies;


ED613 Social, Cultural, Political and Community Dimensions of Education Discussion Question Responses Topics related to cultural competence and social issues impacting education

Agendas from Ten Days Working with CampbellJones & Associates during the 17-18 School Year

CambellJones & Associates work is centered on creating culturally proficient organizations and schools

ED794 Practicum Reflective Essay

Inclusive of reflection on CampbellJones learning and implementation

CampbellJones Action Project Deliverables

Designed to support alignment between culturally competent practices and our district work on developing learner profiles


One of my primary goals in expanding my leadership prior to entering this program focused on my ability to lead with a lens of cultural proficiency. My coursework, particularly in Social, Cultural, Political, and Community Dimensions in Education helped move me toward that goal, as did coursework focused on leadership of Special Services. Additionally, a significant aspect of my practicums has been anchored in working alongside Brenda and Franklin CampbellJones, of CampbellJones & Associates, who are leaders in the area of creating culturally proficient educators and organizations.​ Through this work, I am proud of the progress I have made on this competency and the action project I developed. I believe deeply in the capacity of diversity leadership to create meaningful change in education.

Graduation Ceremony
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